Approaches to New Market Entry White Space Strategy (2024)

Approaches to New Market Entry White Space Strategy (1)

Approaches to New Market Entry

  • June 2024
  • Hal Smart
  • New propositions

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New market entry is an essential phase of any company’s growth journey, but without a clear plan of how to achieve this, it can feel like a daunting leap into the unknown. Here we break down some of the options available to companies looking to expand operations to new geographies, broaden product or service offerings, or reach new customer groups.

1. Direct Play

One of the most popular market entry approaches involves shifting existing business models into new segments, which enables companies to leverage existing brand equity, IP, or technical expertise to get a head start in new markets. This proved the case for Tesla, whose expertise in electric vehicle battery technology enabled them to enter the battery energy storage market with an existing knowledge base to use as a launchpad. Their revenues in this sector in Q3 2023 stood at $1.56bn, a 40pc increase from 2022.

However, businesses must pay careful attention to the nuances of new markets prior to entry. Differences in market structure, customer needs, cultural values, and the competitor landscape could all challenge a organic move. Salesforce are a prime example of doing this well; as part of their internationalisation strategy, they have developed an array of country-specific grammar engines and customisable customer interfaces to maintain a consistent brand image whilst accommodating all the complexities cultural and linguistic differences between different countries.

Direct plays can be an effective long-term means of ensuring an expanded offering retains the essence of what makes it successful but could be riskier for companies with smaller capital reserves to invest or brands with a less established reputation. Understanding the unique challenges of new markets prior to rolling out operations will enable businesses to both decide whether a direct play is right for them and identify the adjustments to their business model that will be required.

2. Mergers & Acquisitions

Acquiring a business already present in your target market can help you gain market share rapidly by ‘plugging and playing’ a brand with an already-developed distribution network and customer base. When Oracle acquired health information technology brand Cerner, this enabled them to leverage Cerner’s decades-long experience to rapidly build their offering in a growing vertical where the core Oracle brand had lower overall penetration.

Challenges arise, of course, in selecting an acquisition target which both aligns with your strategic vision and possesses enough commercial potential to justify the cost of the initial investment. When Microsoft acquired Nokia in 2013 for $7bn, its stated aim was to tap into the growing smartphone trend by leveraging Nokia’s expertise to build its own high-quality handset. Nokia, however, lacked the in-house technological capability to match the advances of market leaders Apple and Samsung, leading to Microsoft writing off $7.6bn in debt on behalf of Nokia by 2015.

Thorough due diligence into both your target’s in-house capabilities and market positioning versus its competitors is crucial in determining both its compatibility with your offering and its ability to consistently generate revenue in your target market.

3. Partnerships

Partnerships offer a lower-risk, lower-capex market expansion option for companies unable or unwilling to invest in new facilities or pursue acquisition targets.

Certain types of partnerships, such as co-branding, can help companies reach new customer segments through cross-selling opportunities, such as Google and GE combining their cloud computing and domestic appliance capabilities to build a value-add offering in the smart home appliances space.

Partnerships don’t come without risks, however. Co-branding campaigns require the careful selection of partners with both compatible brand positioning to create a powerful selling story and a diverse enough customer base to enable both partners to reach previously untapped audiences. This will require deep knowledge of customer needs and may be suited to companies who place a greater emphasis on building overall brand image through media engagement. On the other hand, licensing partnership arrangements (such as those common within the brewing industry) necessitate diligent quality control to ensure licensed partners can guarantee product consistency in new markets.

Whatever the play, do your research before you commit

Finding the market entry strategy most suited to your offerings requires a deep understanding of how your brand is perceived in your target market, how market dynamics differ from your core verticals, and what M&A and partnership opportunities are available to you.

White Space Strategy has built a breadth of experience helping companies with their new market entry strategies; if you’re looking to expand your offering to a new geography, product category, or customer group and are unsure which approach is most suitable for you, we’d love to hear from you and understand how we can support.

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Approaches to New Market Entry White Space Strategy (2024)


What is whitespace strategy? ›

Unlocking value from identifying unmet customer needs. Sectors offering opportunities for effective white space strategies: Energy transition ● Future of mobility ● Industry 4.0 ● Sustainable manufacturing ● Smart quality control and monitoring ● Environmental sustainability ● and more...

What is white space in the market? ›

Some think of white space as an open playing field, with no competition. A few look at it as an untapped market. But the general consensus is that white space refers to the gap between what your existing customers have already bought from you and what other unique products and services you can offer them.

What are the strategies to enter a new market? ›

You can use direct or indirect modes, such as exporting, licensing, franchising, joint venture, partnership, or acquisition. Each mode has its pros and cons, so you need to weigh them carefully and align them with your strategy. You also need to consider the legal, regulatory, and cultural aspects of the market.

How to do whitespace analysis? ›

To conduct a white space analysis, companies should start by creating a relationship mapping exercise. This involves identifying key accounts and stakeholders within the company and mapping out the relationships between them. Once companies have mapped these relationships, they can then start upselling.

What is white space examples? ›

White space commonly refers to negative space—the unmarked area around and within visual web design elements such as imagery, logos and text. The following exemplify different types of white space: Wide margins on a page. Spaces between text blocks and those between each letter (also known as kerning in typography)

What is an example of a white space opportunity? ›

Examples of external white space opportunities include (but aren't limited to): Gaps in the market, where there's little to no competition, or where customer needs are being underserved. Emerging market trends or spaces, like newly available geographic regions or demographic segments.

How do you identify white space in a business? ›

To discover your business' White Space opportunities, it's necessary to have extensive knowledge of both your customer, the industry, future trends, as well as the competition. Only then you can capitalize on the data from your market research to take advantage of your newfound White Space opportunities.

What is the white space in sales strategy? ›

What is White Space Analysis? White space analysis is the process of digging through the sales data to hunt for new white space opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling. White space is essentially a gap that a business can use to scale its revenue with its products.

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White space both separates and groups elements in a design, which shows how elements are related to one another and helps viewers organize visual information better.

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5 steps to create a winning market entry strategy
  1. Set clear goals. The first step is to decide on what you want to achieve with your exporting project and some basics about how you'll do so. ...
  2. Research your market. ...
  3. Choose your mode of entry. ...
  4. Consider financing and insurance needs. ...
  5. Develop the strategy document.

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How to expand into a new market
  1. Review your current business model and target audiences. ...
  2. Think about future goals for your company. ...
  3. Research competitor markets. ...
  4. Complete market research on related product markets. ...
  5. Identify one target market to focus on. ...
  6. Get feedback from existing customer-bases.
Mar 10, 2023

What is whitespace answer? ›

Whitespace, sometimes called “negative space,” is space that is left intentionally empty. For web designers, whitespace may be the margin or padding between elements on a page. For photographers, negative space is made up of pixels surrounding the subjects in an image.

Why is whitespace effective? ›

White space lets your content breathe and helps clearly communicate your core messaging. A de-cluttered interface helps eliminate potential confusion by highlighting what's important. White space around important content elements helps increase their prominence6 and increase comprehension by almost 20%.

What are three effective ways to create whitespace? ›

Ways to create white space:
  • Use lists. When you list items it makes it scannable. ...
  • Increase line spacing. If it is possible increase your line spacing on your documents. ...
  • Shorten your sentences. Long sentences form solid blocks. ...
  • Break up paragraphs. ...
  • Avoid justifying your documents.
Sep 6, 2016

What is whitespace thinking? ›

A time where we create space (both literal and figurative) to synthesize and process things organically. There's a reason why many people's best ideas occur in the shower or on their morning run. It's because they're not actively trying to have their best ideas.

What is white space defined as? ›

noun. : the areas of a page without print or pictures.

What is white space problem solving? ›

White space analysis is the process companies use to evaluate their existing products, services, and markets to address unmet customer needs. The “white space” is the opportunity itself—the area where a business can innovate, expand, upsell, and cross-sell its products and services.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.