Stained Teeth | Common Causes and How to Get Rid of Stains (2024)

There are many types of teeth stains, which have several colours – notably brown or yellow. It is common to have stained teeth after consuming certain foods and drinks. Generally, brushing your teeth is enough to remove the appearance of tooth stains, so they are likely to disappear during your regular cleaning and oral hygiene regimen. Simple brushing and flossing is a solid preventative measure.

However, sometimes stained teeth could be due to something else within the mouth – or even the body. When something comes into contact with your teeth and causes a stain, dentists call this an extrinsic tooth stain – if it is caused by something else in the body it is known as an intrinsic tooth stain.

Potential causes of stained teeth include the following:

  • Poor oral hygiene: Not brushing your teeth will cause tooth enamel to decay and a host of other issues, which may cause many types of stains or tooth discolouration. Try to keep regular brushing as a top priority.
  • Smoking tobacco: Tobacco smoke causes stained teeth and a wide range of other dangerous health issues. Nicotine stains are typically yellow stains with an orange hue – and can occur on the front and back of the teeth.
  • Drinking coffee: Coffee lovers are well-aware of how that morning cup of coffee can put some pep in your step, but it can also cause brown stains after drinking. Coffee stains are one of the most common teeth stain issues.
  • Drinking tea: Tea stains are extremely common and people have less awareness of them in comparison to coffee, black teas are particularly troublesome for leaving stains. Fruit or green tea can stain your teeth too!
  • Drinking red wine: Red wine can easily cause dark, reddish stains on your teeth. Red wine, and other forms of alcohol, work very similarly to sugar in terms of their effects on your teeth – so wines will stick to your teeth closely.
  • Older age: Teeth are fully formed at a relatively early age, and tooth enamel naturally wears away as you get older. This can easily make the appearance of stains more apparent. It is common to have yellow staining as you age.
  • Tooth decay: Possibly the most serious cause of stained teeth is tooth decay, which can cause dark, black stains. If a tooth decays and dies you may get tooth pulp necrosis – a condition that can cause significant pain.
  • Black tartar: This is what happens when you have a build-up of bacteria around the gum line, they cause very dark black stains at the top edge of the teeth, near the gum, which can also spread to the rest of the tooth.
  • Infections and disease: In rare cases, teeth may have a stain due to a non-dental issue – such as a viral infection. Some treatments for cancers of the mouth or neck areas cause discoloured teeth, such as chemotherapy.

The other cause of stained teeth is an injury, which can cause discolouration in the tooth enamel. Stained teeth from an injury are more prevalent in children – where the disturbance to enamel formation can cause greater discolouration.

How to Clean or Get Rid of Stained Teeth

Dealing with stained teeth can be worrying, especially for people who do not like going to the dentist. Luckily, removing stains is usually a relatively simple process in most cases – and not painful at all! Lots of the ways to get rid of stained teeth are simple and safe to try at home, although some will require a visit to a dentist.

Methods to get rid of stained teeth include the following:

  • Use a teeth whitening toothpaste: Many kinds of toothpaste incorporate baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, which will make it easier to remove stains. Baking soda is a strong substance, but this type of toothpaste uses a small amount. You can also have professional teeth whitening treatment.
  • Practise better oral hygiene: If you have early-stage tooth decay it is possible to reverse the development of caries, which may improve the appearance of stains. Better cleaning and hygiene habits are also helpful for reducing the chances of developing black tartar.
  • Consider alternative strategies: You can avoid problem foods and drinks altogether but then again it is entirely possible to find alternatives or ways around staining foods. You can try using a straw or switching from coffee to an alternative caffeine drink. Red wine fans can consider a switch to white.
  • Carry gum or mints: Chewing gum and strong mints can help to clean the stains from your teeth and also give you fresher breath. Adding a small pack of mints or gum to your pocket or bag will mean that you are ready to tackle the problem of stained teeth in a problematic situation.
  • Restorative treatments: For stained teeth that result from tooth decay, restorative dentistry may be the best option. Options include white coloured fillings, tooth extraction and root canal treatments. This treatment can be uncomfortable but will not be painful.

Even the most badly stained teeth can benefit from a professional cleaning by a dentist. Using special tools to remove plaque and tartar can help to improve the appearance of teeth, particularly for yellow stains. Polishing during a dental teeth cleaning is also a very good way to remove stains from the surface of the enamel.

Contact Us

Book an Appointment to Get Rid of Stained Teeth

Removing brown stains, black stains, yellow stains, red stains, purple stains or any other colour of the rainbow is usually achieved by a good cleaning and regular oral hygiene. You can also simply avoid certain foods or habits that cause stained teeth as a preventative strategy. Dental treatments are necessary in some cases.

As leading providers of a range of dental treatments in the Brighton and Hove area, we can offer effective treatments for stained teeth, especially for nervous patients. You will see our caring and supportive services, which include options for safe dental sedation – when you get in touch with us.


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    Stained Teeth | Common Causes and How to Get Rid of Stains (2024)


    Stained Teeth | Common Causes and How to Get Rid of Stains? ›

    It's often caused by pigmented food and beverages as well as tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, or chew tobacco. Stains that appear on the surface of your teeth can usually be removed or reduced with teeth whitening products or procedures. These can be done by your dentist or you can try at-home products.

    How do I remove stains from my teeth? ›

    Some remedies include whitening toothpaste, activated charcoal whitening, whitening strips, apple cider vinegar, and good ol' fashion baking soda. Many people swear by fruits like pineapples and apples.

    Why are my teeth staining all of a sudden? ›

    Things like coffee, tea, berries, red wine and soy sauce can stain your teeth over time. Smoking and other tobacco use. Research indicates that tooth discoloration is more common among people who smoke compared to people who don't. Poor oral hygiene.

    How do you permanently fix stained teeth? ›

    Porcelain veneers are ideal because they're durable and stain-resistant. They're a permanent solution for stains on your teeth. They can be color-matched to the rest of your smile and are shaped and sized to blend in seamlessly. Veneers can be placed on a number of teeth or just certain ones that are impacted.

    How do I stop my teeth from staining? ›

    Rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking something that may stain your teeth. Use a straw when drinking cold drinks like cola or juice that may stain your teeth. Chewing gum that contains xylitol (a sugar substitute) can help to stimulate more saliva, which cleanses your mouth.

    What is the best stain remover for teeth? ›

    Dramatic Whitening: Oral-B 3D White Luxe toothpaste can help improve coffee stained teeth and provides noticeable whitening results after seven days of use. Gentle Whitening: If you have teeth sensitive to whitening, Oral-B 3D White Delicate White can help improve the appearance of coffee stained teeth gradually.

    How can I Unstain my teeth naturally? ›

    For your benefit, we've provided you with seven different ways to naturally whiten your teeth.
    1. Eat Strawberries. ...
    2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
    3. Brush After You Eat or Drink. ...
    4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
    5. Apply Coconut Oil. ...
    6. Brush Your Tongue. ...
    7. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide.

    What deficiency causes teeth discoloration? ›

    Tooth discoloration from vitamin deficiency often occurs in people who don't get enough vitamin D. Without exposure to sunlight or other sources of this vitamin, the dentin that forms the core of the teeth cannot fully regenerate and build new layers.

    What vitamin deficiency causes yellow teeth? ›

    In adults, low vitamin D status can lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease. Does vitamin D deficiency cause yellow teeth? Yes, vitamin D deficiency can show up as yellow teeth. Yellow or brown spots on teeth are a symptom of rickets, a condition caused by chronic low levels of vitamin D.

    Can stained teeth become white again? ›

    What Can Be Done to Whiten Yellow Teeth? If you're looking for a radical change in the coloring of your teeth, you need professional-grade whitening to get the job done. Your cosmetic dentist can provide treatment that penetrates deep into the enamel and removes years of stains with a powerful bleaching agent.

    What teeth stains Cannot be removed? ›

    Intrinsic stains occur beneath the surface of the tooth and occur when stain-causing particles are able to work their way through the outer layer of your tooth and accumulate within the enamel. Intrinsic tooth stains are more difficult to remove then extrinsic stains, but they can be treated.

    What can a dentist do for stained teeth? ›

    Professional teeth whitening treatments are an effective way to drastically improve the color of a person's teeth. Dentists have access to more potent whitening products that are not sold over-the-counter, leading to faster results. A single in-office treatment can make teeth eight shades whiter.

    Can you fix stained teeth at home? ›

    Brush and floss daily to remove plaque, a major cause of tooth discoloration. Brush your teeth with baking soda. It won't bleach your teeth, but it can remove surface stains. Using a paste of baking soda and salt twice a week can improve tooth whiteness over the long run.

    How do you get rid of tannin stains on your teeth? ›

    Instead, there are several ways to remove tea and coffee teeth stain and improve the appearance of your teeth, including:
    1. See Your Dental Hygienist! ...
    2. Teeth-whitening Products. ...
    3. Professional Teeth Whitening. ...
    4. Electric Toothbrush. ...
    5. Coconut Oil Pulling. ...
    6. Avoid Sugar and Creamer. ...
    7. Drink Less. ...
    8. Use a Straw.
    Jan 28, 2022

    Will baking soda remove stains on teeth? ›

    Baking soda can be used with some water to remove the stains on the surface of the teeth. It can also be used with hydrogen peroxide to enhance its whitening effects. Baking soda can be used by individuals with regular toothpastes too. It is also used commercially in some teeth whitening products and toothpastes.

    Can stains on teeth be removed? ›

    That said, if your teeth are healthy and the staining isn't too deep, you might see some improvement with whitening strips or other home treatments. For more noticeable and longer-lasting results, professional whitening treatment is the best way to remove stains from teeth.

    Can old stains be removed from teeth? ›

    Use a teeth whitening toothpaste: Many kinds of toothpaste incorporate baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, which will make it easier to remove stains. Baking soda is a strong substance, but this type of toothpaste uses a small amount. You can also have professional teeth whitening treatment.

    Can stains on your teeth go away? ›

    The bottom line

    It's often caused by pigmented food and beverages as well as tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, or chew tobacco. Stains that appear on the surface of your teeth can usually be removed or reduced with teeth whitening products or procedures.

    Can white stains on teeth be removed? ›

    How to get rid of white marks. Your dentist will use a treatment called Icon white spot treatment that will completely eliminate patches or marks on the tooth surface. There is no drilling or needles and the treatment is painless and effective in a very high percentage of cases.

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