Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (2024)


by Kaitlynn Fenley

written by Kaitlynn Fenley

Jump to Recipe· 4.5 from 2 reviews

Tallow balm is whipped beef fat used as moisturizer. It is biodynamic and wonderful for skin health. Tallow is organically compatible with with our skin, because the fat composition of tallow is similar to human sebum. It locks in moisture and nutrients without clogging your pores. I used tallow balm to help heal my eczema for good, and I’ve continued to use it for six years.

What is Tallow Balm?

Tallow balm is whipped beef fat used as moisturizer. Simply put, it’s a silky smooth moisturizer that helps keep your skin nourished and hydrated! It’s the only moisturizer I currently use, and it was vital to keeping my skin healthy while I healed my eczema naturally. The ingredients are minimal and it’s preservative free… so it’s WONDERFUL for skin and microbiome health.

What are the benefits of tallow balm?

Tallow balm made from the rendered fat of grass fed cows, contains minerals and vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, which are all beneficial for skin health and appearance. Beef fat is organically compatible with with our skin, because the fat composition of tallow is similar to human sebum. It locks in moisture and nutrients without clogging your pores.

Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (2)

Beef Tallow Balm

Tallow is balm is made from rendered beef fat. I get my beef fat from our local farm/butcher shop, Iverstiens. Local shops are a more sustainable option because they focus on providing high quality and natural meat products to the local community. They take the best care of their animals and they are VERY transparent about their agriculture practices.

I’ve also used Epic brand tallow to make my tallow balm before and it worked great!

Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (3)
Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (4)
Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (5)

Beef Tallow Face Cream Recipe for Eczema

My skin care routine is pretty simple. You can read the full details about my skin care routine in this blog, where I discuss how I cared for my skin during and after steroid cream withdrawal.

Simplifying my skin care routine had the best impact on my skin health. So now I have a basic rule: If I’d have to call poison control if I ingested a skincare product, I absolutely will not put it on my skin. Plain and simple. I usually use Toups and Co. Organics tallow balm, but it’s way more affordable for me to make my own. We’ve been trying to cut down on our spending a lot this year, and since I use so much of this balm this is a great way for us to save lots of money. It cost me an estimated $1.70 to make my own four ounce jar.

Other Skincare Blogs to Read

  • Natural Ways to Cure Eczema
  • My Natural Eczema Skincare Routine That Healed My Skin
  • My Eczema Diet Plan and The Best Probiotics for Eczema


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief

Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (6)

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4.5 from 2 reviews

Tallow balm is whipped beef fat used as moisturizer. It is biodynamic and wonderful for skin health. Tallow is organically compatible with with our skin, because the fat composition of tallow is similar to human sebum. It locks in moisture and nutrients without clogging your pores. I used tallow balm to help heal my eczema for good, and I’ve continued to use it for six years.

  • Author: Kaitlynn Fenley
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 10 ounces
  • Category: skincare
  • Method: mixing


    • 1/2 Cup Grass Fed Tallow
    • 1/4 Cup Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil
    • Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Rosehip, and Chamomile Essential Oils (OR any essential oils you prefer, this is just the combo I came up with.)
    • Stand mixer or Electric hand mixer for whipping.


  1. In a glass bowl, melt the tallow over a small pot of boiling water.
  2. Once the tallow is melted, let it cool for approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Add in the 1/4 cup of olive oil.
  4. Begin whipping the oil mixture using a stand mixer or electric hand mixer. As the mixture gets back to a cool room temperature it will being to turn white and solidify. The mixing adds air into it so that it’s a spreadable, lotion consistency. I generally have to whip it for about 20 minutes.
  5. Continue to whip the mixture as it solidifies and add in the essential oils. I used 2 drops of each oil listed in the ingredients.
  6. The consistency should look and feel similar to whipped body butter (or like whipped buttercream frosting).
  7. Using a rubber spatula, transfer the whipped tallow balm to a small jar and store it in a cool dark place. I keep mine in my nightstand drawer.
Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (7)

Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (8)

Kaitlynn Fenley Author, Educator, Food Microbiologist

Kaitlynn is a food microbiologist and fermentation expert teaching people how to ferment foods and drinks at home.

See Full Bio

fermentation food microbiology sourdough sauerkraut fermenting at home fermented foods fermented drinks

Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (12)

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Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (13)

Leeritta Christian August 29, 2020 - 4:09 am

Hello I just stumbled across you blog and I’m do thankful that I did! I’ve been up all night researching cause abs cures for eczema. My son has terrible eczema and nothing has helped so far. I will start with changing his diet and healing his gut. But what can I use to soothe his skin? I do not feel that The Eucerin is healing or helping. What type of moisturizer did you use on your body while healing your eczema? Is the tallow only for face?

Your blog has been extremely informative and helpful during this process. Also, I’m looking forward to trying your kimchee! I hope my 2 year old wil eat it to heal his eczema! ?

Thank you so much for the info!


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (14)

Kaitlynn Fenley August 29, 2020 - 3:01 pm

Hey there, I used Toups and Co.Organics tallow balm for my face and body while healing my own eczema! Glad to hear that the blog posts have been helpful for you!


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (15)

Rachel July 19, 2022 - 8:51 am

Thankyou for recipe. I am going to try on my daughter who has had eczema since she was born and nothing has worked. Healing her gut health is the first priority then this to follow.
Just wondering how long will this keep for at room temperature ? Will it solidly in cold weather…currently wintertime here in Australia.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (16)

Kaitlynn Fenley July 19, 2022 - 9:11 am

It keeps for at least 6 months… I usually use the whole amount this recipe makes in about that time. Since it is whipped, it will become more firm at cold temperatures, but it will keep it’s light spreadable texture.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (17)

Melissa December 6, 2020 - 11:18 pm

Hi, thanks for all of the info on your website, it’s very helpful. My daughter has moderate to severe eczema and we’ve of course been through the whole range of eczema lotions. We’ve been using the take you recommend, but since she’s 4 and this goes on her entire body, we have been going through it at an unsustainable rate. I’m going to make a batch myself using your recipe (without essential oils because they can be irritating for her) and I’m wondering if you have experimented using other oils to prepare this. The reason I ask, is that when she was a baby, adding safflower oil to her bath was soothing for her skin. At the time I recall reading that it has particular attributes that may be helpful to eczema. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks!


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (18)

Kaitlynn Fenley December 7, 2020 - 7:23 am

Hey there! I have not experimented with any other oils. This is the only recipe I’ve made. You’re welcome to experiment with safflower oil, but that’s up to you, and I don’t know how it will turn out. I assume if the oil consistency is similar to olive oil the balm texture should come out fine.

I only write about my own, personal eczema healing journey, and my own experience with products here. I do not provide personalized instruction or recommendations on how to treat other’s eczema.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (19)

Melissa December 8, 2020 - 11:15 am

Thanks for your reply! I know how problematic it can be sharing eczema treatments. Everyone reacts differently and I thank you for sharing what worked for you, even if it doesn’t wind up working for us. Thanks again!


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (20)

Penny February 14, 2021 - 11:58 am

This is an excellent article. Thank you for sharing your journal Kaitlynn. I am a licensed Manicurist/Pedicurist having several clients with psoriasis &/or eczema. Finding treatments for them has been an amazing journey. Just recently stumbling across Tallow is an exciting adventure in itself. There are many carrier oils that help with inflammation and pain, one of them being Hemp Seed oil. Just want to share food for thought…Edens Garden Essential Oil company has a phenomenal bank of information on their carrier oils.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (21)

Kaitlynn Fenley February 15, 2021 - 10:45 am

Thank you and you are welcome! I’ve heard a lot of good things about hemp seed oil. Thanks for the tips!


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (22)

Stacey August 29, 2021 - 8:46 am

Helpful recipe! Thank for sharing. I’ve started making my tallow but wondering if the microwaving of the tallow to heat it up will destroy the structure of any of beneficial ingredients?


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (23)

Kaitlynn Fenley September 9, 2021 - 1:59 pm

I’m unsure how microwaving influences the structures of the beneficial fats in the tallow. If you have any aversion to microwaving, just heat it up using the double boiler method.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (24)

Brittany November 26, 2022 - 10:22 am

I rendered my own tallow especially for this recipe. It turned out so great! I tripled the recipe easily. Will save so much money. Thank you!


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (25)

Samantha January 22, 2024 - 8:52 am

Hi! Does the olive oil have to be cold pressed? Thanks.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (26)

Kaitlynn Fenley January 22, 2024 - 10:21 am

other olive oil will work fine, cold pressed is best.


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru (2024)


Tallow Balm Recipe for Eczema Relief • Cultured Guru? ›

Tallow, or rendered beef or mutton fat, is an ingredient people have used in skin care for centuries. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, tallow has properties that may help reduce the symptoms of dry, itchy, and inflamed skin in people with eczema.

Does tallow heal eczema? ›

Tallow, or rendered beef or mutton fat, is an ingredient people have used in skin care for centuries. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, tallow has properties that may help reduce the symptoms of dry, itchy, and inflamed skin in people with eczema.

What are the disadvantages of tallow? ›

Tallow Drawbacks
  • Allergic reactions. While tallow soaps are often marketed as being free of allergens, it's possible to have a reaction to some of their ingredients.
  • Changes in skin pH. Healthy skin has a pH of 5.4 to 5.9. ...
  • Tallow is temperature sensitive. ...
  • People often use too much tallow moisturizer.
Sep 29, 2023

What is the best natural moisturiser for eczema? ›

Coconut oil, rich in fatty acids, treats irritated or inflamed skin. Evening primrose oil hydrates, softens and soothes dry and irritated skin. Jojoba oil penetrates deep into the skin whilst unclogging pores.

How do you make eczema balm? ›

DIY Recipe for Eczema Cream (adapted from Dr. Axe)
  1. 1/2 cup raw Shea butter.
  2. 1/2 cup coconut oil.
  3. 1 Tb local honey.
  4. 30 drops lavender essential oil.
  5. 8 drops tea tree essential oil.
  6. 5 drops geranium essential oil.
Mar 24, 2018

Can you put too much tallow on your skin? ›

An overly oily feel means either too much was applied or your skin may need a little exfoliation. Either way, give it time to absorb because the benefits are worth the wait! Your skin will be fed with all the healthy fats and vitamins it needs as the Tallow gets absorbed deeper into its layers.

What herb heals eczema? ›

10 Best Herbs For Eczema To Repair Skin Inflammation
  • Aloe Vera. Known for its hydrating and soothing properties, aloe vera gel can calm eczema flare-ups and help manage long-term symptoms. ...
  • Calendula. ...
  • Chamomile. ...
  • Dandelion. ...
  • Milk Thistle. ...
  • Sunflower Seed Oil. ...
  • Turmeric. ...
  • Witch Hazel.
Jul 5, 2022

Can manuka honey cure eczema? ›

Although there is no cure for eczema, it is very treatable. Manuka honey may help treat eczema symptoms. Research suggests Manuka honey has a variety of properties that may alleviate eczema symptoms. These include antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

Does tallow cause inflammation? ›

Health Benefits of Beef Tallow

Reduces inflammation – tallow contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. May help protect the body from infection – one of the fatty acids in beef tallow – palmitoleic acid – possesses fantastic antimicrobial properties, which may help to ward off infections.

Why is tallow bad for skin? ›

“Tallow, because it's high in oleic acid just like olive oil is, it's been shown to disrupt the skin barrier and actually cause more irritation versus plant oils that are high in linoleic acid,” Shah said, explaining why it's “not really the best moisturizer.”

Do dermatologists recommend tallow? ›

But dermatologists say they're not slathering beef tallow on their skin any time soon, as there's no scientific evidence that it offers skin care benefits. “As a medical professional, I cannot recommend or endorse the use of beef tallow for any medical purposes, including skin care,” said Dr.

Can bacteria grow in tallow? ›

The results showed bacterial growth already. This was tallow that had been separated from water and stored in a mason jar.

What heals eczema the fastest? ›

An effective, intensive treatment for severe eczema involves applying a corticosteroid ointment and sealing in the medication with a wrap of wet gauze topped with a layer of dry gauze.

What is the root cause of eczema? ›

Some of the most common causes are a family history of eczema, being exposed to certain environmental triggers and stress. Overactive immune system: Atopic dermatitis, the most common type of eczema, results from an overactive immune system that causes the skin barrier to become dry and itchy.

How did I naturally cured my eczema? ›

12 Natural Remedies to Reduce Eczema Symptoms
  • Oatmeal.
  • Evening primrose oil.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Witch hazel.
  • Calendula cream.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Manuka honey.

How long does homemade tallow balm last? ›

Whip solid mixture with an electric beater and store in a jar. Voila – body butter! Tallow can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a year, the whipped body butter can be stored at room temp for at least 4-5 months.

Why add olive oil to tallow balm? ›

Why do you include olive oil? We add a little olive oil to the tallow because of its therapeutic qualities. Since ancient times, olive oil has been considered a healing salve for the skin due to its soothing, cleansing, moisturizing, and anti-cancer properties.

Can you use straight tallow on skin? ›

If you really want to keep things quick and simple, you can absolutely slather your face in only tallow. I would also recommend testing a small amount of tallow on your skin if you have never used this ingredient before. Most people do not have negative reactions, but its always better to check first.

How do you make skin healing balm? ›

  1. Add carrier oil, coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax to a glass bowl and heat until completely melted, using either a microwave or the double boiler method. ...
  2. Add remaining ingredients and mix until combined.
  3. Transfer into container of choice.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.