Northern lights may be visible across parts of the US this weekend. Why are they so active right now? | CNN (2024)

Editor’s note: Tune in to CNN NewsNight: Solar Storm, hosted by Abby Phillip and Bill Weir, tonight from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. ET.For the latest on the massive solar storm,head over to CNN’s live coverage.


A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun have the potential to create dazzling auroras that may be seen as far south as Alabama and Northern California but also disrupt communications on Earth tonight and over the weekend, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center.

The center, which is a division of the National Weather Service, observed conditions of an extreme geomagnetic storm at 6:54 p.m. ET on Friday evening, reaching a level 5 out of 5 severity. The last time a solar storm of this magnitude reached Earth was in October 2003, resulting in power outages in Sweden and damaged power transformers in South Africa, according to the center.

Signs of a severe geomagnetic storm, or level 4, were first observed by scientists at the center at 12:37 p.m. ET, when a major disturbance was detected in Earth’s magnetic field. Previously, the center issued a geomagnetic storm watch on Thursday evening, the first such watch issued since January 2005.

But the forecast was upgraded after scientists observed G5, or extreme geomagnetic storm, conditions Friday evening.

As the sun nears the peak of activity in its 11-year cycle, known as solar maximum, later this year, researchers have observed increasingly intense solar flares erupting from the fiery orb.

Increased solar activity causes auroras that dance around Earth’s poles, known as the northern lights, or aurora borealis, and southern lights, or aurora australis. When the energized particles from coronal mass ejections reach Earth’s magnetic field, they interact with gases in the atmosphere to create different colored light in the sky.

The Space Weather Prediction Center tracked multiple strong flares emitting from a large cluster of sunspots on the solar surface since Wednesday. The cluster is 17 times the diameter of Earth.

Scientists also observed at least seven coronal mass ejections, or large clouds of ionized gas called plasma and magnetic fields that erupt from the sun’s outer atmosphere, releasing from the sun in the direction of Earth. These significant outbursts are expected to continue through Sunday.

The center’s space weather scale covers three categories: solar flares that cause high-frequency radio blackouts, geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms.

The current solar activity is capable of producing a solar radiation storm, according to Shawn Dahl, the service coordinator for the Space Weather Prediction Center.

“That’s the very low end of our scale,” Dahl said. “It does mean things to some rocket launch operations and satellite operators. But at this point in time, it’s nothing that can’t be handled as far as we understand it. The potential for stronger events of course does exist and we’ll see if any materialize.”

The peak of the geomagnetic storm activity for Earth could occur between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. ET on Saturday, the center has forecasted.

The center referred to this as “an unusual event.” There have been three geomagnetic storms since December 2019, but all of them have been considered weak, according to the center.

Geomagnetic storms driven by the sun in recent months have caused auroras to be visible in places where they are rarely seen, including as far south as New Mexico, Missouri, North Carolina and California in the United States, and the southeast of England and other parts of the United Kingdom.

The solar storm caused a dazzling aurora australis to light up the sky over New Zealand around 6:20 a.m. local time.

Northern lights may be visible across parts of the US this weekend. Why are they so active right now? | CNN (2)

Andrew Dickson captured an image of an aurora over Central Otago, South Island of NewZealand, using his iPhone 13 plus with a three-second exposure.

Depending on the location, the auroras may not always be visible overhead, but keep an eye on the horizon, experts say, because they may create a colorful display there as well.

Even if auroras aren’t visible in the sky, experts at the center recommend taking images of the sky with your phone because the images may capture what you can’t see with the naked eye.

“A severe storm would mean that the aurora will likely be visible in southern Michigan,” said Michael Liemohn, a professor of climate and space sciences and engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, in a statement. “Get away from city lights to a place with clear skies and you should be able to see the green or red glow of aurora across the sky.”

Northern lights may be visible across parts of the US this weekend. Why are they so active right now? | CNN (3)

Dickson lives in a rural area with "virtually no light pollution," he told CNN.

The effects of geomagnetic storms

When coronal mass ejections are directed at Earth, they can cause geomagnetic storms, or major disturbances of Earth’s magnetic field.

“Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations,” according to the Space Weather Prediction Center. “(The center) has notified the operators of these systems so they can take protective action.”

The center has notified operators in these areas to take action to mitigate the potential for any impacts, which include the possibility of increased and more frequent voltage control problems. Other aspects operators will monitor include a chance of anomalies or impacts to satellite operations and frequent or longer periods of GPS degradation.

In turn, the operators also make sure power lines are performing as expected, ensure that alternate equipment is available and functioning, and any maintenance is suspended, Dahl said.

“But the key element here is that they know what’s causing anything if the situation unfolds that will allow us to be able to take the proper steps to help mitigate and control any developing problems,” Dahl said.

When coronal mass ejections arrive, they carry their own magnetic field, which can overwhelm power lines and induce electrical currents, so operators will monitor for any signs of such activity, said Rob Steenburgh, space scientist at the Space Weather Prediction Center.

“When we’re talking about impacts to the power grid, we’re talking about the high voltage transmission lines. That’s where these currents can develop. It’s not on any line going from a small transformer to their home,” Dahl said. “It’s only really developing on the high voltage transmission lines, which creates problems for the major transformers that control distribution.”

Solar storms generated by the sun can also cause radio blackouts and even pose risks for crewed space missions.

NASA’s Space Radiation Analysis Group is dedicated to monitoring conditions for astronauts aboard the International Space Station. If there appears to be an increased radiation risk, the astronauts can move to parts of the station that are more well-shielded.

“During the recent solar weather activity that measured higher than originally predicted aboard the International Space Station on May 11, the Expedition 71 crew was told to avoid lower shielded areas of the space station out of an abundance of caution,” according to a May 14 update released by the federal agency.

The center warned that additional solar activity could cause geomagnetic storm conditions to be ongoing through the weekend.

The sun is rising with a flare over Korla, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, on May 10, 2024. The National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center forecasted on May 7, 2024, that the next three days would see moderate to high solar activity levels and the possible eruption of M-class or even X-class flares. (Photo by Costfoto/NurPhoto via AP) Costfoto/NurPhoto/AP Related article Can sunspots really disrupt phones and GPS?

So far, researchers have obseverd only three severe geomagnetic storms during the current solar cycle, which began in December 2019, according to the center.

Experts at the center say they are a “little concerned,” but mainly because such events are rare.

The team likened it to being prepared for a summer storm: Keep batteries and a weather radio on hand in the event of a power outage, but said that people don’t need to “do anything out of the ordinary” to prepare for space weather. No disruption to internet or cellphone service is expected. And any disruption to GPS is not expected to be prolonged, as long as providers can quickly lock back on to satellite signals, according to experts at the center.

Tracking space weather

Every 11 years or so, the sun experiences periods of low and high solar activity, which is associated with the amount of sunspots on its surface. The sun’s strong and constantly shifting magnetic fields drive these dark regions, some of which can reach the size of Earth or larger.

Over the course of a solar cycle, the sun will transition from a calm to an intense and active period. During the peak of activity, called solar maximum, the sun’s magnetic poles flip. Then, the sun will grow quiet again during a solar minimum.

Solar maximum is expected to peak through mid- to late 2024, but the sun will remain active for a couple of years afterward.

Teams at the Space Weather Prediction Center use data from ground and space-based observatories, magnetic maps of the solar surface, and ultraviolet observations of the sun’s outer atmosphere to determine when the sun is most likely to send out solar flares, coronal mass ejections and other space weather that could affect Earth.

Solar flares can affect communications and GPS almost immediately because they disrupt Earth’s ionosphere, or part of the upper atmosphere.

Energetic particles released by the sun can also disrupt electronics on spacecraft and affect astronauts without proper protection within 20 minutes to several hours.

The material sent speeding away from the sun during coronal mass ejections can arrive at Earth between 30 and 72 hours afterward, causing geomagnetic storms that affect satellites and create electrical currents in the upper atmosphere that travel through the ground and can have an impact on electric power grids.

The storms also affect flight patterns of commercial airlines, which are instructed to stay away from Earth’s poles during geomagnetic storms due to loss of communication or navigation capabilities.

Extreme storms have occurred before, such as one that knocked out the power grid in Quebec in 1989 and the Carrington Event of 1859.The latter remains the most intense geomagnetic storm ever recorded, causing telegraph stations to spark and catch fire.

If such an event were to occur today, it could cause trillions of dollars’ worth of damage and bring down some power grids for a substantial amount of time.

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Update: This story has been updated with a new statement from NASA on conditions at the International Space Station during the recent solar flare activity.

Correction: A previous version of this story misstated the date of an earlier G5 storm.

Northern lights may be visible across parts of the US this weekend. Why are they so active right now? | CNN (2024)


Why have the northern lights been so active? ›

Right now, it's nearing the peak of that cycle, known as "solar maximum." During this moment, the sun emits more solar flares and coronal mass ejections, massive bubbles of plasma threaded by rejected magnetic field lines. The result is that the northern lights can happen more frequently and cover bigger swaths.

Why can you see the northern lights in the US? ›

This process caused the sun to shed massive blobs of plasma known as coronal mass ejections. As these solar events struck Earth's magnetic field, they triggered a geomagnetic storm powerful enough to cause the Northern Lights in regions as far south as Arizona.

Why is there only northern lights? ›

They occur around the North Pole when the solar wind carrying the particles interacts with the Earth's magnetic field. The most impressive auroras occur when the Sun emits really large clouds of particles called "coronal mass ejections".

What causes the northern lights to be seen on Earth? ›

The sun. The lights are caused by the interaction between the Earth's magnetic field and charged particles from the sun's atmosphere that enter the earth's atmosphere. A solar flare (energetic particles from the sun) floats through space on the solar wind, eventually penetrating the Earth's magnetic field.

Why are we suddenly seeing the northern lights? ›

The cause of this light show was an especially strong blast of solar wind—electrically charged particles shot out from the sun at incredible speeds. And there's more to come as we approach the peak of the current solar cycle, a period of increased solar storms that happens every 11 years.

Are northern lights active now? ›

Aurora borealis activity is currently moderately low. Weather permitting, northern lights displays could be visible directly overhead in some northern communities and visible toward the northern horizon from slightly lower northern latitudes.

Why are you not supposed to look at the northern lights? ›

The belief was that if you caught their attention, the lights could reach down and carry you up into the sky – or even slice off your head! To this day, many Sámi stay indoors when the Northern Lights are illuminating the sky, just to be on the safe side.

Why can't you see the northern lights with your eyes? ›

The reason the aurora is often hard to see is that it just doesn't make a lot of light. Our eyes have two kinds of cells that detect light: rods, which can only see greyscale but can see very small amounts of light. cones, which can see colour, but need more light to function than rods.

Do you always get to see the northern lights? ›

There's never a guarantee with seeing the Northern Lights, no. The first thing you need is to be sufficiently far north (obviously) to see them. A number of companies run tours out of Reykjavik, and I understand it's also possible to see them in parts of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.

What is the reason we see the Northern Lights? ›

We see auroras in northern Canada because of how space connects down to the ground. The part of space where most of the " dragging, stretching, and snapping " happens is connected by magnetic fields down to the north and south ends of Earth.

Why can't you see the Northern Lights in summer? ›

The northern lights occur year-round, but in order to be seen, they require a dark sky - so they can't be seen in summer due to the midnight sun and long day-time hours.

Why do Northern Lights happen in winter? ›

To see the Northern Lights, the sky needs to be dark and clear of any clouds. Some people claim the aurora comes out when temperatures are colder, but this isn't the case – it's just that when the skies are cloudless, temperatures tend to drop.

Why are the northern lights more visible this year? ›

They typically cluster near the Earth's poles, but if enough energetic solar particles charge up the sky, auroras can reach much closer to the equator, which is why we've been seeing them lately all over the globe. This year, the sun is at the peak of its activity cycle.

What conditions cause northern lights? ›

But for all its beauty, this spectacular light show is a rather violent event. The northern lights are created when energized particles from the sun slam into Earth's upper atmosphere at speeds of up to 45 million mph (72 million kph), but our planet's magnetic field protects us from the onslaught.

What month is best to see the northern lights? ›

If you're planning an aurora-viewing trip, the best time is throughout the winter months. Anytime between late September to late March is a good time for northern lights hunting as the long nights provide ample aurora viewing opportunities.

Why are the northern lights so good this year? ›

That's because the sun is getting more active, translating into brighter aurora displays. A more active sun isn't cause for alarm, but is simply due to where the star is in its 'solar cycle'. Every 11 years, the sun's magnetic field completely flips.

Why is 2024 best for the northern lights? ›

If you're hoping to see the northern lights in 2024, you're in luck! Scientists are predicting that we're about to enter a solar maximum, or a period when the sun is expected to see a significant boost in solar flares and storms. There are reports that solar activity will likely be at its strongest in 2024 and 2025.

What caused Earth's northern lights here? ›

Auroras are brilliant ribbons of light weaving across Earth's northern or southern polar regions. These natural light shows are caused by magnetic storms that have been triggered by solar activity, such as solar flares (explosions on the Sun) or coronal mass ejections (ejected gas bubbles).

Is the aurora borealis increased activity? ›

Large eruptions on the sun send bursts of energy and material toward Earth. According to predictions made by NASA scientists, the solar maximum, or the next peak in solar activity, will occur in July 2025. As a result, the northern lights will start to get stronger and more frequent as the solar maximum approaches.

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